VanDyke Software

The VanDyke extended version of OpenSSH 3.7.1p2 that supports the public-key subsystem may be downloaded from this page. The IETF draft for the public-key subsystem is available online.

This enhancement to the current distribution of OpenSSH is available in two forms: a "ready to compile" tar.gz file of OpenSSH 3.7.1p2, a ready to install RPM package, and a Zip file containing a patch file if you already have the OpenSSH 3.7.1p2 source code.

The following file has been added:


The following files have been modified:

Running the patch file will replace the default files with the same name from the standard OpenSSH 3.7.1p2 distribution. The public-key subsystem will be available to users connecting to the OpenSecure Shell server using SSH2 clients supporting the VanDyke Public Key Assistant. The readme.txt file included with the patch file may be read online prior to downloading.

VanDyke Software makes no warranty regarding this software download. This download is intended as a service to users of OpenSSH to encourage the broader use of public-key authentication.

You may contact VanDyke Software Support by email if you have questions about this enhanced version of OpenSSH or suggestions on how we might improve it. We will do our best to answer those questions we can.

General support for OpenSSH can be found at the OpenSSH Project web site.


Download Now (https)
Patch file: 6K
Ready to compile source code:
openssh-3.7.1p2.vds.pks.tar.gz 777K
Red Hat RPM package:
openssh-3.7.1p2-1.vds.pks.src.rpm 834K

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