' This sample VShell Failed Authentication script: ' - uses CDO object to send an email message with the ' information pertaining to the failed authentication attempt. ' ' The substitution variables required by this script are as follows: ' IP Address (%I) ' Date of failed auth (%D) ' Time of failed auth (%T) ' Username (%U) ' ' Set up VShell's Authentication Failure Trigger "Command" to: ' C:\Windows\System32\cscript.exe ' ' Set up VShell's Authentication Failure Trigger "Parameters" to: ' "" %I %D %T %U ' ' This auth failure trigger script logs information to the value ' indicated by the g_strFailedAuthLogFile variable below. Option Explicit ' We'll use the windows Event Log to log any fatal errors from this script Const EVENT_SUCCESS = 0 Const EVENT_ERROR = 1 Const EVENT_WARNING = 2 Const EVENT_INFO = 4 Dim g_strFailedAuthLogFile, g_strDstEmailAddress Dim g_strSrcEmailAddress, g_strSMTPServer, g_strSMTPServerPort g_strFailedAuthLogFile = "C:\Program Files\VanDyke Software\VShell\Log\FailedAuths.log" ' Both src and dst e-mail addresses must be valid. g_strDstEmailAddress = "destinationUser@somedomain.com" g_strSrcEmailAddress = "VShellFailedAuthTrigger@somedomain.com" g_strSMTPServer = "" g_strSMTPServerPort = 25 Dim g_strLastError Const ForReading = 1 Const ForWriting = 2 Const ForAppending = 8 Dim g_fso, g_shell Set g_fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set g_shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Main '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sub Main() ' Args coming in are: ' 1) strIPAddress ' 2) strDate ' 3) strTime ' 4) strUser Dim strIPAddress, strDate, strTime, strUser Dim strErrorText If WScript.Arguments.Count < 4 Then strErrorText = strDate & ": " & _ "VShell trigger script expected the following parameters:" & vbcrlf & _ vbtab & "IP Address (%I)" & vbcrlf & _ vbtab & "Date (%T)" & vbcrlf & _ vbtab & "Time (%T)" & vbcrlf & _ vbtab & "User (%U)" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & _ "VShell's Auth trigger command should be:" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & _ "C:\Windows\System32\cscript.exe " & _ """"" " & vbcrlf & vbcrlf &_ "Parameters:" & vbcrlf &_ """%I"" ""%D"" ""%T"" ""%U""" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & vbcrlf g_shell.LogEvent EVENT_ERROR, strErrorText WriteToFile g_strFailedAuthLogFile, strErrorText Exit Sub End If strIPAddress = WScript.Arguments(0) strDate = WScript.Arguments(1) strTime = WScript.Arguments(2) strUser = WScript.Arguments(3) Dim strLogLineInfo strLogLineInfo = strDate & " - " & strTime & ": " & _ " IP = " & strIPAddress & ", " & _ "Time = " & strTime & ", " & _ "User = " & strUser ' Send an email message Dim strCommand, nResult, strSubject, strBody strSubject = "VShell Failed Authentication Attempt: " & Now strBody = "VShell Failed Authentication Attempt: " & vblf & _ " IP = " & strIPAddress & vblf & _ " Date = " & strDate & vblf & _ " Time = " & strTime & vblf & _ " User = " & strUser If Not SendEmail(g_strDstEmailAddress, _ g_strSrcEmailAddress, _ "", _ strSubject, _ strBody, _ "") then strLogLineInfo = strLogLineInfo & _ "; ***** Email operation failed. Error: " & g_strLastError g_shell.LogEvent EVENT_WARNING, "VShell auth failure trigger script: " & g_strLastError Else strLogLineInfo = strLogLineInfo & _ "; Email operation completed successfully." End If ' Log the success/failure information to the Auth Failure log file WriteToFile g_strFailedAuthLogFile, strLogLineInfo & vbcrlf End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sub WriteToFile(strFile, strData) ' strFile: Full path to file ' strData: data to be written to the strFile Dim objFile Set objFile = OpenTextFile(strFile, ForAppending, True) objFile.Write strData objFile.Close End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Function OpenTextFile(strFile, nMode, bCreate) On Error Resume Next Dim nCounter nCounter = 0 Randomize Do Err.Clear Set OpenTextFile = g_fso.OpenTextFile(strFile, nMode, bCreate) if Err.Number = 0 then exit do Randomize WScript.Sleep INT((413 * Rnd) + 79) nCounter = nCounter + 1 if nCounter >= 100 then ' If we've tried to write to the file 100 times (after a random ' wait each attempt) Const EVENT_ERROR = 1 ' Use the event log rather than a MsgBox as the dialog would not ' be seen since VShell runs as system g_shell.LogEvent EVENT_ERROR, _ "(" & wscript.ScriptFullName & ")" & VBCRLF & _ "Failed to open VShell trigger script log file: " & _ strFile & VBCRLF & VBCRLF & _ "(" & Err.Description & ")" WScript.Quit 10001 end if Loop On Error Goto 0 End Function '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Function SendEmail(strToAddress, _ strFromAddress, _ strCCAddresses, _ strSubject, _ strBody, _ strAttachmentList) ' strToAddress: REQUIRED. Address to which the e-mail will be ' sent. To send to multiple e-mail addresses, ' separate each address with a ';' character. ' ' strFromAddress: REQUIRED. Address from which the e-mail will be "sent". ' ' strCCAddresses: REQUIRED. Addresses to which the e-mail will be CC'd. ' Specify as "" if no CC is needed. ' ' strSubject: REQUIRED. Subject of the e-mail message. ' ' strBody: REQUIRED. The body of the e-mail message. ' ' strAttachmentList: REQUIRED. Specify as "" if no attachments are to be included ' with the message. '|' separated list of full paths ' to attachments that should be attached to the ' outgoing message. ' g_strLastError = "" On Error Resume Next Dim objMessage Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message") if Err.Number <> 0 then g_strLastError = "SendEmail(): Error: " & _ "Failed to create CDO.Message object: " & Err.Description On Error Goto 0 exit function end if ' Documentation at: ' http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms527795.aspx ' SendUsing value of '2' means we're using the network to send the message ' (SMTP over the network) objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _ ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2 objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _ ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = _ g_strSMTPServer objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _ ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = _ g_strSMTPServerPort ' In order for the changes we've made in the 3 lines above to "stick" ' while we attempt to send the message, we have to "Update" the CDO ' configuration. objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Update if Err.Number <> 0 then g_strLastError = "SendEmail(): Error: " & _ "Failed to specify/update CDO configuration: " & Err.Description On Error Goto 0 exit function end if if Trim(strSubject) = "" then g_strLastError = "SendEmail(): Error: Subject required." On Error Goto 0 exit function end if objMessage.Subject = strSubject if Trim(strFromAddress) = "" then g_strLastError = "SendEmail(): Error: ""From"" address required." On Error Goto 0 exit function end if objMessage.From = strFromAddress if Trim(strToAddress) = "" then g_strLastError = "SendEmail(): ""To"" address required." On Error Goto 0 exit function end if objMessage.To = strToAddress if Trim(strCCAddresses) <> "" then objMessage.CC = strCCAddresses end if ' Handle attachments... if there is an html attachment, ' set it as the body of the messsage if strAttachmentList <> "" then Dim vAttachments, strPathToAttachment vAttachments = Split(strAttachmentList, "|") For each strPathToAttachment in vAttachments If Not g_fso.FileExists(strPathToAttachment) then g_strLastError = "SendEmail(): Error: Attach file not found: " & _ strPathToAttachment On Error Goto 0 exit function end if if g_fso.GetExtensionName(strPathToAttachment) <> "html" then objMessage.AddAttachment(strPathToAttachment) else strPathToAttachment = Replace(strPathToAttachment, ":", "|") strPathToAttachment = Replace(strPathToAttachment, "\", "/") objMessage.CreateMHTMLBody "file://" & strPathToAttachment end if Next end if if strBody = "" then g_strLastError = "SendEmail(): Error: Message body cannot be empty." On Error Goto 0 exit function else objMessage.TextBody = strBody end if Err.Clear objMessage.Send If Err.Number <> 0 then g_strLastError = "SendEmail(): Failed to Send Message: " & Err.Description On Error Goto 0 Exit Function end if SendEmail = True End Function